About Transition Town – All St. Anthony Park
We live in transitional times. As neighbors, we're joining hands to seek a positive, local response to climate change: actions that will both shrink our carbon footprint and strengthen our community. With global warming and new weather patterns already a reality, we aim to help mitigate climate change and also adapt to its effects.
We keep these three goals in mind, working together:
to reduce our carbon footprint, as individuals and as a neighborhood
to prepare for severe weather and possible economic instability
to build our community's resilience—and have fun while doing it.

in St. Anthony Park, 2018

like Speedy Market...

our youngest marcher!

in St. Anthony Park, 2018
Along with practical action, we seek to educate and inspire others to think global and act local. And we support others in related projects, since climate issues intertwine with many others: social and economic justice, environmental stewardship, and political will.
From our beginnings in 2008 (see our History page), we've grown into an official Transition Town neighborhood, one of several under the Transition Twin Cities umbrella. We also have ties with the national hub Transition US, helping host its first-ever National Gathering in 2017 at Macalester College.
The overarching Transition Network is a worldwide movement of communities reimagining and rebuilding our world: diverse groups of thinkers, doers, and creators gathering locally to build resilience, raise awareness of climate change, and transition to an ecologically sustainable, socially just, fulfilling life on Earth.

Yield: New skills—new friends—and many quarts of tomatoes, applesauce, and jam

Sharing views at a 2013 community meeting

We wave the banner of upcycling

Yield: New skills—new friends—and many quarts of tomatoes, applesauce, and jam
Slide show:
The many faces of Transition in St. Anthony Park
Our neighborhood-based projects are varied. The Transition Your Money group is finding ways to support a regenerative economy, and in 2018 it spun off an investment club called Local Dough, now with 20-plus members. Other projects include emergency preparedness,
community solar power, home energy, housing options, local school projects, sustainable food and land, transportation, and zero waste. A Going Home Green group formed in 2020 to offer resources for earth-friendly end-of-life choices. A Transition Tap meets seasonally to welcome newcomers over a local brew, and in the Reflective Circle we seek an "inner transition." We also contribute a monthly column to our neighborhood newspaper, the Park Bugle.
We're guided by a core planning group that meets every second Wednesday at 7:00 pm, often on Zoom. All are welcome. See the listing on our home page.