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Contact: Pat Thompson,

Current Projects


  • Transitshed posters - Creating posters to display at local destinations showing the area you can reach to/from that point within 40 minutes using transit, biking, and walking.

  • E-bike loaner program - Providing an e-bike that neighbors could borrow for a week to experience an e-bike lifestyle.


Upcoming Projects


  • Meet the bus events - A fun introduction to using transit by riding with a group to an interesting destination.

  • Bike racks - Coordinating with local businesses to request bike racks installed for free by the city.


Get Involved


  • Point of interest liaison - Contact local businesses and other locations about displaying transitshed posters and/or requesting city-installed bike racks.

  • Bike rack location scout - Identify locations that meet requirements for installing bike racks (e.g. a good-sized patch of concrete)

  • Meet the bus coordinator - Plan a date, destination/route, and coordinate outreach for meet the bus events.


Brainstormed Ideas and Rating Data

The table lists the project ideas that were grouped into the transportation theme. The ratings for each idea are the average among Collaboration Lab participants.


The "go-zone" charts below display the relative ratings of ideas on each of three pairs of scales (feasibility & impact; commitment & feasibility; commitment & impact). In each chart, the vertical and horizontal lines mark the average on that scale among ideas in the theme. Ideas in the upper right quadrant are above the average rating on both scales.

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