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Green Space & Green Infrastructure


Contact: Mark Robinson,

Current Projects


  • Opportunity mapping - Identifying places around St. Anthony Park that would be good candidates for planting trees, gardens, or other greenery.

  • Golf course transformation - Continuing on-going work to build community support for rewilding the land currently occupied by the University of Minnesota's Les Bolstad Golf Course.


Get Involved


  • Sign a petition asking the U of M Board of Regents to meet with TT-ASAP to discuss a transition of the golf course.

  • Are you part of another group that would be interested in transforming the golf course? Connect with Mark to help build a coalition.


Brainstormed Ideas and Rating Data

The table lists the project ideas that were grouped into the green space & green infrastructure theme. The ratings for each idea are the average among Collaboration Lab participants.


The "go-zone" charts below display the relative ratings of ideas on each of three pairs of scales (feasibility & impact; commitment & feasibility; commitment & impact). In each chart, the vertical and horizontal lines mark the average on that scale among ideas in the theme. Ideas in the upper right quadrant are above the average rating on both scales.

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