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Sharing Economy Infrastructure


Current Projects


The ideas in this theme revolve around reducing consumption by sharing goods and services between neighbors, making and mending instead of buying, and strengthening the local economy.


We haven't started working on any of these projects yet. But there are a lot of great ideas! If you'd like to get to work on one of them, contact Tracy Kugler,​

Brainstormed Ideas and Rating Data

The table lists the project ideas that were grouped into the sharing economy infrastructure theme. The ratings for each idea are the average among Collaboration Lab participants.


The "go-zone" charts below display the relative ratings of ideas on each of three pairs of scales (feasibility & impact; commitment & feasibility; commitment & impact). In each chart, the vertical and horizontal lines mark the average on that scale among ideas in the theme. Ideas in the upper right quadrant are above the average rating on both scales.

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