
Contact: Tim Spanier, tspanier11@yahoo.com
Current Projects
Geothermal Heating - Exploring possible collaboration with Cooperative Energy Futures for bulk purchase of groundwater source heat pumps. The alleys around Cleveland Ave. might be a good site for a network that could provide carbon-free heating to multiple homes.
Affordable Housing - Researching the possibility for Habitat for Humanity homes on the Luther Seminary lower campus.
Home Electrification - Continuing on-going work to provide information and resources to help home owners transition away from natural gas. A self-guided online course for home energy retrofits is currently under development.

Brainstormed Ideas and Rating Data
The table lists the project ideas that were grouped into the housing theme. The ratings for each idea are the average among Collaboration Lab participants.
The "go-zone" charts below display the relative ratings of ideas on each of three pairs of scales (feasibility & impact; commitment & feasibility; commitment & impact). In each chart, the vertical and horizontal lines mark the average on that scale among ideas in the theme. Ideas in the upper right quadrant are above the average rating on both scales.