Local Schools
The five schools that serve St. Anthony Park are helping build a community prepared for the future. We'd like to provide venues where students can communicate beyond the classroom about climate action and the “Smaller Footprint, Stronger Community” goal. Student voices are welcome at our meetings. For details, send an email to Mindy Keskinen, communications@TransitionASAP.org.
Some recent projects:
St. Anthony Park Elementary: At this School Forest/Outdoor Learning site, students are exploring trees and their uses. They're also interested in zero waste ideas.
Murray Middle School: Students designed rain gardens with guidance from a community panel
Como Senior High: Students are interested in recycling and reducing waste; including minimizing plastic water bottles.
Jennings Community School: Students at this charter school have had a hand in building a wind generator, installing solar panels, and planting a vegetable garden.
Avalon: Ideas at this charter high school include energy conservation, solar-powered boats, and beekeeping.

Above: Trees offset carbon! SAP Elementary students with Karen Christensen in Langford Park.
Left: Avalon's student-built solar-powered boat.